All sets offering pupillage

2024/25 pupillage vacancies

2024/25 pupillage vacancies

Below is a list of all sets advertising pupillages in 2024/5 along with information on start dates, how large each set is, how it recruits and the Chambers UK rankings. Sets with Chambers Reports are highlighted in red – follow the link to read each report. This list was compiled in October 2024.


Sets Tenants Pupillages Start Year Pupillage Gateway Y/N
1 Hare Court 34 2 2026 N
1 KBW 63 2 2026 Y
2 Bedford Row 70 5 2026 Y
2 Temple Gardens 46 2 2026 Y
3 Verulam Buildings 63 4 2026 Y
4 New Square 58 3 2026 Y
4 Stone Buildings 30 2 2026 Y
4 Pump Court 82 2 2026 N
5 Essex Chambers 46 2 2026 Y
7 King's Bench Walk 44 2 2026 Y
11 KBW 50 3 2026 Y
12 King's Bench Walk 83 3 2026 Y
39 Essex Chambers 106 3 2026 Y
Atkin Chambers 34 2 2026 Y
Blackstone 121 4 2026 Y
Brick Court Chambers 64 5 2026 Y
Cloisters 53 2 2026 Y
Crown Office Chambers 73 3 2026 Y
Devereux 43 2 2026 Y
Erskine Chambers 19 2 2026 Y
Essex Court Chambers 117 4 2026 Y
Farrar's Building 52 2 2026 Y
Fountain Court Chambers 60 4 2026 Y
Francis Taylor Building 39 2 2026 Y
Gatehouse Chambers 100 2 2026 Y
Hailsham Chambers 47 2 2026 Y
Henderson Chambers 38 2 2026 Y
Keating Chambers 40 2 2026 Y
Landmark Chambers 100 up to 3 2026 Y
Littleton Chambers 36 3 2026 Y
Maitland Chambers 69 3 2026 Y
Matrix Chambers 106 2 2026 N
Monckton Chambers 60 up to 3 2026 Y
No5 Barristers Chambers 238 5 2026 N
Old Square Chambers 79 2 2026 Y
One Essex Court 67 3 2026 Y
Outer Temple Chambers 90 2 2026 Y
Pump Court Tax 33 2 2026 Y
Quadrant  76 3 2026 Y
QEB 29 2 2026 Y
Radcliffe Chambers 59 3 2026 N
Selborne Chambers 37 2 2026 Y
Serle Court 80 3 2026 Y
South Square 33 1 2026 Y
St John's 77 3 2026 N
St Philips 140 9 2026 N
Twenty Essex 57 4 2026 Y
Wilberforce 45 2 2026 Y
XXIV Old Buildings 34 3 2026 N


*some firms outside pupillage gateway will use the gateway system to advertise vacancies, but will have their own application form/process.


The information above was obtained from the Pupillage Gateway, sets' websites or provided directly to Chambers Student.