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This Firm's Rankings in
UK Guide, 2024
Ranked Departments
London (Firms)
- Clinical Negligence: Mainly Claimant (Band 3)
- Crime (Band 2)
- Family/Children Law: Cross-Border Disputes (Band 3)
- Financial Crime: Individuals (Band 4)
- Personal Injury: Mainly Claimant (Band 4)
- Administrative & Public Law: Mainly Public Sector & Charities (Band 3)
- Administrative & Public Law: Traditional Claimant (Band 1)
- Civil Liberties & Human Rights (Band 1)
- Court of Protection: Health & Welfare (Band 1)
- Defamation/Reputation Management (Band 3)
- Education: Individuals (Band 4)
- Extradition (Band 2)
- Family/Children Law: Public Law Matters (Band 1)
- Immigration: Human Rights, Asylum and Deportation (Band 1)
- Immigration: Personal (Band 1)
- Mental Health: Patients (Band 1)
- Police Law: Mainly Claimant (Band 1)
- Protest Law (Band 1)
- Social Housing: Tenants (Band 2)