The Memo: Woman with Down's syndrome loses in a Court of Appeal abortion law case

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Woman with Down's syndrome loses in a Court of Appeal abortion law case

Chelsey Stanborough - 12th December 2022

A recent case brought to the Court of Appeal has sought to challenge late-stage abortions of foetuses with conditions such as Down's syndrome. The Abortion Act 1967 offers protection for those aborting a foetus where there is a risk that the baby will be ‘seriously handicapped’, but disability rights campaigner Heidi Crowter had argued that the current laws were ‘discriminatory’, and serve to stigmatise disabled people. In November however, the Court of Appeal dismissed the case on the basis that abortion law decisions fall under the responsibilities of the UK Parliament.

The decision has caused major upset among disability rights activists and campaigners. Crowter argued that the dismissal of the appeal made her feel as though people with health conditions like Down’s syndrome should be ‘extinct’. The case has also served to reignite existing debates around disabled rights, especially in cases where the rights of disabled people come into conflict with the rights of women to retain a choice over what happens to their own bodies.

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